Winter Superfoods

26 Oct Winter Superfoods

Sweet potatoes: packed with beta-carotene, vitamin A and potassium. Try to purchase smaller, sweeter organic potatoes.

Turmeric: It’s powerful active compound curcumin has been pitted against painkillers, anti-depressants, heart and diabetes medications.

Ginger: One of the most well researched anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory natural compounds are in functional ingredients such as gingerols, shogaol and paradols, all of which are found in ginger.

Try making this simple drink to get you through fatigue during winter blues as well as create a long lasting natural anti-inflammatory diet: slice and dice about 6-8 slices of ginger and turmeric into a large 1 liter glass jar. Add half a lemon also sliced. Add 1 liter of hot water (wait about 10 minutes after kettle boils). Stir and let sit until room temperature. Add honey if needed for taste. Let stand overnight and in the morning pour it into your water bottle and sip throughout the day at work!

Winter squash: Contains vitamin A and C as well as potassium and fiber. Lots to choose from! Whether you choose butternut, acorn or buttercup, squash contains no fat and low in calories so can be used for replacing sweet potatoes if you’re on a weight loss diet.

Beets: Highly detoxifying and provide lutein for eye health as well as contain iron for those winter blues. Easy to make: boil for 30-40 minutes depending on the size or until can poke a knife through easily, let it cool off and just brush off the skin with a knife. Slice and add balsamic with sea salt for great taste!

Pomegranates: Provide different kind of polyphenols, a potent form of antioxidants. Also packed with vitamin C and fiber. Dont settle for drinking orange juice every morning, switch to pomegranate at times!

Dark Chocolate: for those craving sweet tooth, choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa and east a small chunk with your favourite cup of tea. It does contain health benefits in the form of naturally occurring antioxidants.

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