Fitness is not a hobby – it’s a lifestyle

27 Nov Fitness is not a hobby – it’s a lifestyle

Hello to all. Those that know me well, know about the hard work that was put into dedicating myself to my craft: fitness. The image of fitness isn’t necessary Arnold showcasing his body at the bodybuilding competition (although to this day, he had one of the most symmetrical bodies out there). Fitness is your overall physical state. Health on the other hand is quite different. Although the two are closely interconnected, the more fit you are doesn’t always translate to being healthier. Fitness should be looked upon from multiple systemic energy processes. Understanding these energy systems will have a profound effect on the human body. We have three main energy systems: ATP creatine phosphate, glycolitic and oxidative. Unless you are a professional athlete whose job is to be as proficient at one system as possible without sacrificing it, you should aim towards overall development of each energy system. This translates different into your training methodology. One shouldn’t just be focused on their peak strength and lifting as heavy as possibly without doing some cardiovascular work. The overall athlete is not only a better movement specialist, thus decreasing their chances of sustaining injury, but also tends to develop healthier systemic pathways from cardiovascular to respiratory. Fitness isn’t a short goal, rather a daily journey. It is one of the most, if not the most, important component of health. I practice what I preach and can tell you that I believe in fitness. The difference I notice in my overall health when during those few weeks out of the year that I tend to avoid fitness are astounding. Fatigue sets in much quicker than ever before, both physically and mentally. Nutritional habits go hand in hand with fitness. When you are in the midst of your physical program, you focus on nutrition. When you are not, same thing happens in opposite direction. You blame there isn’t enough time in the day and thus you don’t have time to cook your own meals. If you are reading this and you know what I am talking about, get back on your bike, get back into the gym and continue to do what you love because there is more than just a reason behind it, it’s within you, it is internal. If you are reading this and you don’t know what it feels like, get help from a professional and learn the benefits of fitness through. But don’t start training like you are Arnold all the sudden. It’s all about progression, patience and dedication. And one thing that I can leave you with is that if you don’t create better movement patterns now while you can, you will not be able to do so when you would want to later in life.

-Dr.Vadim Farian is available for public speaking events and seminars.

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